
Last night was the launch party for CELL and it was a great party. People from all over town came down to Opal Divine’s to join us as we launched the series. Turn out was great and everyone had a great time. We even had a raffle with great prizes like an unopened previously viewed copy of Saving Private Ryan, Season 2 of LOST, and an iron. Yeah, like for your clothes.

But this is just the start! We still have 12 episodes left in the first season so make sure you keep watching and keep telling your friends to watch as well. More than that, go to the forums and let’s start a conversation. We want to know what you think. So go in a post on the forums, start your own discussions, reply to everybody else… do what you do in forums. We hope we can build this into a community of fans not only of CELL but of good stories and new media outlets. So join us. This just might get fun