I recently found out that I was selected to be one of the new members of the International Academy of Web Television’s Board of Directors. I can’t tell you what an honor it is for me to be included with this group. There are so many people serving on the Board that I’ve looked to for inspiration and guidance over …
LA Web Fest
We just heard that CELL was recognized at this year’s LA Web Fest for Outstanding Drama, Outstanding Score and Outstanding Cinematography. Congratulations to everyone for another set of awards! Specific call outs go to the enormously talented composer Brian Satterwhite and cinematographer Iskra Valtcheva.
LA WebFest here we come!
We just got word today that we’ve been accepted in the 2011 LA Web Fest. We’re really excited to be a part of the festival and can’t wait to see how things go. There are already some great shows included in the festival and we’re proud to be included. Maybe we’ll be making another trip to LA for this one.
Indie Intertube Awards RESULTS!!
January 20th were the Indie Intertube Awards and CELL was up for 14 awards in a field stacked with amazingly talented people. While we knew it would be tough, CELL ended up winning 6 awards and 1 special recognition award for the evening. CELL won for … Best Set Design Best Score Best Supporting Actor – Drama Best Villain Best …
Those Video Guys posted their review on YouTube
In case you missed the live stream from Those Video Guys when they reviewed CELL, they just posted it on YouTube. And here it is! Give it a watch!
More reviews of the show coming up!
I just got word that the guys from ThoseVideoGuys are planning to do a live review of CELL Wednesday at 2 pm CST. On their website they’re asking for anyone that’s seen the show to leave some comments that they can read on the air. So you have an assignment… Tune in to ThoseVideoGuys at 12 PST/ 2 CST and …
More Award nominations!
It must be awards season as the nominations just keep coming. We’re really surprised and excited to hear that we’ve just been nominated for 8 awards in the Indie Soap Awards. We’re up for… Indie Soap of the Year Outstanding Writing Outstanding Directing Outstanding Lead Actor Outstanding Lead Actress Outstanding Sound Design Outstanding Editing Outstanding Guest Appearance The awards show will be …
1st Annual Indie Intertube Award Nominations
This past year has been more than a little exciting. With the launch of CELL, joining the International Academy of Web Television, meeting so many talented creators… the list goes on. That list keeps getting longer. One of the best sources for information and reviews of independent television on the web is through Indie Intertube. Last year they launched their …
The winner is…….
Thanks to everyone for taking part in our Roku contest. We picked one user at random from all the entries and our winner is…. @Krissie678 Congratulations! Everyone else keep your eyes peeled for more.
Need more entries?
Want more entries in the contest to with a Roku player? Of course you do. Remember that you can get more entries by answering the following questions about the show… What’s the name of Brian’s dog? What’s the name of the knot Brian tied when he went fishing with his dad? What color was Sarah wearing when the Man first …