It’s beginning to look a lot like shopping

My neighbors just put up their Christmas tree. Already. Then again there’s nothing wrong with getting in the holiday spirit early. To help with that… Printfection has coupons! So go to our Printfection store right here and get you some t-shirts with varmints on them. see more Lolcats and funny pictures These coupons are only good from November 14 (Sunday) …

The store is up and running!

Our store is finally up for you to peruse and buy your favorite gear for CELL and also for Lovable Varmint. Check us out at our Printfection store and let us know what you think. We want these to be great shirts that everyone will love and with your help they will be. And don’t forget to enter your design …

T-shirts are here!… well almost… but with your help they will be!

Almost from launch we’ve had people asking us for t-shirts to support CELL. Well we finally have a way for you to get t-shirts! If you go to then you can see the shirts we have now. Right now we just have the Varmint on t-shirts for you. What about CELL t-shirts? That’s where you come in. We’re holding …

Beth Chamberlain joins the cast of CELL: The Web Series

Former Guiding Light Star and Emmy nominated Actress Beth Chamberlain Joins Cast of Critically acclaimed web series Thriller CELL Austin, Texas – 16/6/2010 – Beth Chamberlin joins the season 2 cast of Austin-based series CELL:  The Web Series. Beth is well known for her role on Guiding Light, the longest running broadcast show in television history, and she comes to …

THE FUTURE!! – Casting for CELL: Season 2

As we continue along the breakneck speed to our season finale July 14th, things just keep getting better. In response to the positive feedback we’ve gotten (as well as a very motivated team of creators) we’re pushing ahead with some changes to CELL. The first most important change is that we’re going to reshoot the very end of Season 1. …

Ending with a bang… and maybe a t-shirt or two.

We’re 4 episodes away from the Season 1 Finale of CELL! It’s been a great ride and our fans have been amazing. Huge thanks aren’t enough to all of you who have been so supportive of what we’ve done here. We hope to be able to keep telling the story of CELL, as well as some other stories that we want …

Marco… Polo…

So where have we been? You may have noticed that we haven’t put a new episode out for the past couple of weeks. Don’t worry. We’ll be back soon with more new episodes of season 1 of CELL. All of you viewers at least deserve to know where we’ve been for the past few weeks. First of all, there’s SXSW. …

SXSW here we come!

SXSW Interactive and Film Festivals are starting up March 11th. We’re taking a break from new episodes of CELL, and a big part of that is because of SXSW. I’ll be hitting up the Interactive and Film panels, screenings and parties for the next week. Check out the blogs, twitter (@ut_markle) and Facebook during the next week. There will be …

Brief intermission

It’s Wednesday and time for another episode of … wait. Not this week. We’ve been working like mad to get each episode out on Wednesday and this week has been no different. We’ve dealt with changes in the score, sound problems, delays in the visual effects, you name it. The thing is…we deal with this every week. Even with all …